Two times I went traveling this year, two times too I lost my cellphone. And it happened during the traveling.
First, in February, I lost my cellphone when I flied from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur. I was really sure it lost in the board cause the last time I held it when I turned it off. I have searched and claimed but useless. I was sure it fell because I didn't lose my 'pulsa' when I reactivated the number.
Next, I lost my cellphone when I was in Palembang this September. I really really had no clue how it could happen cause as I remember I never took it out of my bag and just stay in the car until I wanted to use it. I immediately called my number but no answer at all. It must be in one's hand, and indeed, I lost my 'pulsa' when I reactivated it.
It gives me a lesson, but never kill my passion of traveling, for sure.
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